Assault Lawyer Charleston
If you have been charged with assault in Charleston, call Charleston assault lawyer John W. Molony immediately to protect your rights and your record. Contact Charleston assault lawyer John W. Molony now and schedule a free consultation to discuss your case. Mr. Molony will assess the charges against you and potential issues relating to the arrest or search and seizure. In South Carolina assault charges vary by degree. Penalties for assault convictions in South Carolina vary widely depending on the degree of the assault charge and the circumstances of your case.
Assault and Battery, 3rd degree (Simple Assault)
Assault and battery, 3rd degree is a misdemeanor in South Carolina. A person commits assault and battery, 3rd degree by unlawfully injuring another person or attempting to injure another person with the present ability to do so. Penalties for assault and battery, 3rd degree include up to $500 in fines, up to thirty days in jail or both.
Assault and Battery, 2nd degree
Assault and battery, 2nd degree is a misdemeanor in South Carolina. A person commits assault and battery, 2nd degree by unlawfully injuring another person or attempting to injure another person with the present ability to do so and the act results in moderate bodily injury or could have resulted in moderate bodily injury, or the act involves the non-consensual touching of the private parts of another person. Penalties for assault and battery, 2nd degree include $2500 in fines, up to three years in jail or both.
Assault and Battery, 1st degree
Assault and battery, 1st degree is a felony in South Carolina. A person commits assault and battery, 1st degree by unlawfully injuring another person and the act involves non-consensual touching of the private parts, or the act occurred during the commission of a crime. A person also commits assault and battery, 1st degree by offering or attempting to injure another person with the present ability to do so, and the act is accomplished by means likely to produce death or great bodily injury, or the act occurred during the commission of a crime. Penalties for assault and battery, 1st degree include up to ten years in jail.
Assault and Battery of a High and Aggravated Nature (ABHAN)
Assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature is a serious felony in South Carolina. A person commits ABHAN by unlawfully injuring another person and causing great bodily injury, or when the act is accomplished by means likely to produce death or great bodily injury. Penalties for ABHAN include up to twenty years in jail.
Call A Charleston Assault Lawyer
Call Charleston assault lawyer John W. Molony now and schedule a free consultation to discuss your charges and your legal options. Criminal defense attorney John W. Molony will fight for you, listen to you and always answer your phone calls. John W. Molony Law Firm, LLC is conveniently located in James Island and defends clients arrested for assault in Charleston.
- Assault and Battery 1st
- Assault and Battery 2nd
- Simple Assault
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John W. Molony Law Firm, LLC